I used to be in love with baking. Almost every other day I was making something delicious from cakes to cookies or brownies, no wonder I gained so much wait during my last pregnancy! Don't get me wrong, I still love baking, but I just don't have the time for it anymore. Just the other day I made a cake, a simple box cake and some chocolate ganache frosting. By the time I put the cake in oven and finished the frosting and cleaned up after myself my little one was already up from his nap. Then I get all frustrated that I spent all that time cooking and cleaning and I haven't had a minute to myself. The baking is nice, but all the preparing and cleaning wipes me out. Thankfully today the little one slept a little longer so I could sit down and relax a bit. Right this minute I have Chocolage Chip Cookie Dough Fro-Yo cooling in the freezer. Can you say yum?! I had a little before I put it in and it already tastes great--I can't wait until it is ice cream consistancy. I'm positive it will be gone by tomorrow night. Here is the recipe if you want to make your own: http://tastykitchen.com/blog/2012/08/chocolate-chunk-cookie-dough-frozen-yogurt/
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