First and foremost on my list of goals for this month is a self-imposed fabric diet. I will not allow myself to buy any fabric this month. I am already having to stop myself, but until I start selling more quilts or making money somewhere else I just don't have enough room in my budget. Anyways, I have piles of fabric just waiting to be cut into, and even more piles that are already cut. Let's see...
Already cut up:
1. Bella Hexagons
2. Bella Hexagon scraps/Half Rectangle Triangles
3. Constellations Squares
4. Life in the Jungle Patchwork
Fabric ready to be cut:
1. Chicopee Scrappy Trip
2. Michael Miller Big Stripe Hexagons
3. 50 Shades
For my We Bee With it block this month she is requesting that we use a lot of different grays, so I plan on digging all of mine out and cutting them into 6" squares. I really want to make it king sized with 50 different "shades" of gray fabric. I think I am at about 25 now, so I'm halfway there! And I'm really excited to make my Chicoppe quilt, so I will start that this month too.
So for my goal I am saying that I will:
1. Finish quilting my Les Amis quilt

2. Cut up all my grays (and finish that bee block)
3. Not buy any more fabric
4. Cut all my Chicopee strips
5. Finish (and start) my Pillow Talk Swap Pillow (have it planned and most of the fabric pulled)
I think this is a pretty obtainable goal, and anyways, I work better under pressure!