I got my Crazy and Twisted addition finished and sent on time:

This sewing machine pattern is from Charise Creates. It wasn't terribly hard, just a lot of odd shapes. I enlarged the pattern 50% so it finishes (after having to trim it down square) at 17 inches.

I added 1" squares on either side and stipple quilted it on below the initial block. And added some buttons in the button jar!
I also finished up my Cookie swap!

I made this Mini Swoon and embroidered it to make it like a big ornament! The green scallop is from Scrumptious and the red snowflakes are from my NEW local quilt shop. I've only found one close by, but I'm sure there are some hidden gems around town that I haven't found. I made some Christmas wreath cookies--my favorite! Basically rice crispie treats but with corn flakes and green food coloring. And I thought this tin from Hobby Lobby matched beautifully. My partner has commented that she likes it, I hope she likes it as much in person!
I also finished and sent my November and December Simply Solids bee blocks. I didn't grab a picture of either of those because I was in a rush to get to a doctors appointment before I went to the post office. I am still working on my Nov. and Dec. Hex Bee blocks. For some reason hand work has been super slow for me this past month.
Next on my list is a Granny Square quilt for my Granny. She is my mom's grandma and has always supported my crafty adventures growing up. She is spending a lot of time in the hospital or stuck in bed lately. So for Christmas my mom asked me to make her something with pretty colors and flowers to enjoy. I just finished the top and just trying to decide on borders then hopefully quilting it up this afternoon.
I am excited to get some finishes finished up to share with all of you. It's been slow going since Thanksgiving and then being away from my sewing machine for 2 weeks. But I am all set up now and cruising along. My lovely husband even bought me this cute China hutch for all my fabric! I love it, but totally plan on refinishing it soon.